Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Monday, October 14, 2024

 AI Images. My Sculpture Exhibition.

On Mondays, I introduce a new theme. Each day, I post two images in the same post, both related to that theme. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Today ´s newsletter is posted. It talks about the some issues that AI brought to the visual world. Visual trends created by AI. Enjoy.

 AI Images. Pure Abstract Art.

Monday, October 7, 2024

 AI Images. Pure Art.

On Mondays I start a new theme. In this week I am to render artistic abstract images. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

 AI Images. Men ´s Hats.

On October 5th, Portugal celebrates the Implantação da República (Establishment of the Republic), a national holiday that commemorates the fall of the Portuguese monarchy and the proclamation of the Portuguese First Republic in 1910.

The revolution that led to the republic began on October 3, 1910, and culminated on October 5th with the abdication of King Manuel II, the last king of Portugal. The monarchy was replaced by a republican regime, which marked a major turning point in Portuguese history. The first President of the Republic, Teófilo Braga, was appointed, signaling a shift from the constitutional monarchy that had governed Portugal for centuries.

This day is seen as a key moment in Portugal’s journey toward modernization and democratic governance. It’s celebrated with various events and is a significant historical date for the country.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Today ´ newsletter is posted. It addresses Kandinsky book "Concerning the Spiritual in Art" and it is about colour and form in AI. I hope you enjoy.

 AI Images. Men ´s Hats.