Monday, April 15, 2024

 AI Images. Sashiko Embroidery.

This week, I plan to create images depicting a traditional Japanese embroidery technique known as Sashiko. It's worth noting that AI doesn't replicate embroideries flawlessly but rather produces images featuring elements related to the embroidery. AI serves as a tool; it doesn't aim to perfectly mirror reality but instead distorts and sometimes invents. I find this aspect of AI fascinating because it operates within its defined parameters. Through practice, this tool can generate astonishing images.

Contrary to some desires for AI to make decisions autonomously, I believe AI should always remain a tool for humans.

Regarding the notion that AI can replicate a Picasso painting but cannot generate a new artistic style (as I recently heard), I view it differently. AI cannot replicate a Picasso painting, and frankly, it's a relief that it cannot invent new styles. Its current capabilities are satisfactory as they are.

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